Swift Creek, Corner Peak WY

2022-07-15 Fri

Left home about 8, lunch at Broulim's, not too great. Only one car at trailhead parking lot.

Hiked most of the way up to saddle, trail is pretty steep with lots of loose dirt and rocks. Stopped for camp in a little stand just off trail. Bugs were pretty bad, but manageable with lots of repellant - Dad saved the day there! Backpacker's jambalaya for dinner - decent taste but not tons of food. Sleep at about 9.

2022-07-16 Sat

Up at about 8, oatmeal for breakfast, hiked up to saddle and over to Corner Peak. Really varied terrain - moon rock gravel, wildflower meadow, spongy marsh, and patches of snow. Lunch and phone calls at peak, and a quick nap just down from there.

On the way back, veered over to an unnamed lake for a rock-skipping contest. Then back down to camp. Below the Antoinette saddle, mosquitoes devoured anyone not walking around, and we were nearly out of bug spray. At camp, sat and read in tent for a few hours.

Filtered water while slapping bugs, cooked dinner (spicy cup noodle) while slapping bugs, ate noodles while walking around to get some relief, and back into the tent for the night.

"Remind me never to come to Wyoming in July." - Dad (Yes, he actually said that)

"I hate reality!!" - Jon

2022-07-17 Sun

Up at about 7, more oats, and packed up. While I waited for others we wandered around a couple of cool gorges carved out by a stream, and speculated about ancient lakes that had drained out through them.

Hiked out at a pretty brisk pace, and drove home.

Pointing at a mountain