Teton - Open & Granite Canyons

2022-07-02 Sat

Left home about 10:00, got permits around 4:30. Ranger recommended ice axe and crampons to get over Mt Hunt Divide. Changed our plan to go up and out Open Canyon, then up and out Granite, avoiding the pass. Very enthusiastic ranger!

Lots of bugs at Colter Bay CG. Ate stuffed potatoes for dinner - Pretty good! Played Hand & Foot.

2022-07-03 Sun

Pancakes from a squirt bottle - worked pretty well. If made too thick, dry clumps will clog nozzle though. We realized we forgot our permit at the window last night - had to run back and wait till 8 to grab it.

Parked at Death Canyon TH and headed out. Hiked to very upper end of Open Canyon camping area and found a decent spot just off the trail. Only minor snow in the last 15 minutes or so, the pass definitely seemed doable. Angel hair rice noodles, jerky, and peanut butter mix for dinner - not too bad but kind of a hassle.

2022-07-04 Mon

Hiked over pass with no trouble at all - snow was wet yet solid, no exposure or danger of any kind. Coming down into Granite Canyon, saw cow moose on two occasions, but safely bushwhacked around them. The second one we woke up while trying to sneak by, she stood up and stared at us until out of sight. Came all the way out and back to the car - something like 16 miles!

Standing on a big snow field