Moab, UT

2021-12-31 Fri

Drive to Moab. Snow on the forecast, wet most of the way, slow drive in traffic along SB 191 under heavy snow and a few inches on the road. Walked up bike path along Colorado River. A few inches of slush but cool views. That night, stay at motel in town.

2022-01-01 Sat

Planned to do some hiking in the park despite the weather. (And would be a rare opportunity to see the park under heavy snow!) Traversing icy roads, made it to the turnoff to Delicate Arch. But nothing had been plowed and we decided to go no further lest we run off the road on the slippery steep roads.

Decided to just cancel the trip. On the way out of the park, we saw they had closed it entirely. If I recall correctly, that was the first time in many, many years the park was closed due to weather.

Stopped by the Salt Valley turnoff on the way back, saw some deer relatives of some kind. Then, drove home and hit TJ's and the like on the way back. :)

Snowy rocks